
Your Diet: Halloween and Diabetes



Halloween is quickly approaching, and it's often a difficult time for families dealing with diabetes. It's important for your child to be able to take part in school parties and trick-or-treating. But how can you let your children participate in all of the activities without sending their blood-glucose levels soaring?

Try these tips for having a happy Halloween without being haunted by diabetes:

•  Buy it back: Offer to "buy" your child's candy back and allow him or her to use the money for a small toy. That way your child won't feel as though he or she is going without a treat.

•  Modify your idea of Halloween: Halloween doesn't have to be all about the candy. Focus on creatively decorating your house, your yard, your pumpkin, etc. Look for local activities, such as haunted hayrides. Host a Halloween party for your child and his friends where you can supply healthy food choices.

•  Eat only the best: Have your child pick her favorite pieces of candy and get rid of the rest. Let her enjoy a few pieces in the days following Halloween and use it as an opportunity to show her how to cover her carbohydrates with insulin.


-Source: University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children's Hospital

Good Neighbor Pharmacy, October 2012