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How to Improve Asthma and Allerg...

Asthma and allergies can be caused by a variety of airborne triggers, such as pollen and pet dander. Particulates and smog in the air can also trigger asthma. While you can’t alw...

Can You Develop Allergies as an ...

You reached adulthood without suffering from allergies. And then suddenly one spring — or fall — you start sneezing every time you go outside. Strange as it m...

7 Myths About Fall Allergies

If you think the end of spring is the end of your allergy problems, think again. Late summer through late fall can be a miserable time for many. Disregard these c...

4 Ways to Take Charge of Spring ...

Spring allergies can make life miserable by triggering red, swollen and itchy eyes, a stuffy or runny nose and constant sneezing. The primary culprit for seasonal...

Don't Fall Victim to Fall Allerg...

When people think of seasonal allergies, they typically think of spring allergies. But the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimates that between 10% and...

5 Ways to Minimize Spring Allergies

Spring is finally here, bringing rising temperatures, blooming plants and longer days. If you’re one of the more than 50 million Americans who suffer from allergies each year, you may also be ...

Bust Those Dust Mites for Better...

Dust mites are a common trigger for many people’s allergy and asthma symptoms. While they can be found throughout the house, these microscopic creatures thr...

Beat Spring Allergies!

Ah, spring. Budding flowers. Blooming trees. It’s beautiful, but for those with allergies, it’s a mixed blessing. Now’s the time of year when allergy suffer...