
Top 5 Health Tips of the Month, September 2012


Tip 1: Pay attention to portion size to help you control how many calories you consume. At home, measure your food with measuring cups and spoons to get an exact amount.

Tip 2: Prevent injuries by adding variety to your workouts. Give muscles and joints that are used repetitively a break while you challenge other parts of your body. Try switching from running to biking, aerobics to weight lifting or swimming to spinning, for instance.

Tip 3: Keep a supply of healthy staple ingredients in your home. You can pull together quick meals from items like pasta, tomato sauce, rice, and canned tuna.

Tip 4: Thirsty? Drink tea. Green tea (which has more antioxidants than black tea) may help you lose weight, lower cholesterol and reduce your risk for stroke and heart disease.

Tip 5: Express gratitude. Regularly consider the things you appreciate about your life and others. Send someone a thank-you letter or card. 

Good Neighbor Pharmacy, September 2012