Top 5 Health Tips of the Month, October 2012


Tip 1: Imagine your best self. Visualize a happy future for yourself, in all aspects of your life. You'll get that much close to achieving it.

Tip 2: Find ways to ease stress that don't involve food. Walk outside or retreat to a quiet place in your house.

Tip 3: Skip the salt. If we all cut back by about 400mg a day, scientists estimate that as many as 28,000 lives would be saved. When dining out, ask that your meal be prepared with no salt or less salt. At home, use seasoning other than salt, such as spices, herbs, garlic, and lemon juice.

Tip 4: Avoid reading or watching TV in bed. Using your bedroom only for sleeping makes it easier to drift off to dreamland.

Tip 5: Exercise to extend your life. In a recent study in Archives for Internal Medicine, older adults who got more physical activity were less likely to die over a 4-year period.

Good Neighbor Pharmacy, October 2012