
Top 5 Health Tips of the Month, June 2012



Tip 1: Sneak nuts into your snacks time. Nuts contain healthy fats, protein, fiber, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin E. However, they are high in calories, so snack in moderation.


Tip 2: Turn your iPod into a personal trainer. Make a playlist of high-energy tunes to propel you through your workouts. Or, explore downloadable programs that talk you through a workout, step-by-step.


Tip 3: Limit TV time. Every two hours of daily TV viewing is linked to an increased risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Stretch, do yoga, lift weights or walk on the treadmill while tuning in.


Tip 4: Save face by managing stress. Psoriasis, rosacea, acne, hives and excessive perspiration can be aggravated by stress.


Tip 5: Be social. People have a higher risk for death if they have a weaker social network. Share openly, listen actively and seek people who do both. Nurture relationships where you feel mutual liking, respect and trust.



Good Neighbor Pharmacy June 2012