
Kids and Diabetes: Teens, How Are You Dealing with Your Diabetes?


Many teens deal with diabetes everyday. Most of the time, it's not a problem, you just deal with it. But sometimes, you may just want it to go away. Do you ever...

•  Ask, "Why me?"

•  Think you're the only one who feels sad, mad, alone, afraid or different?

•  Get tired of others teasing you if you are overweight?

•  Blame yourself or your family for your diabetes?

All of these feelings are normal. Lots of teens who have diabetes feel the same way. It's OK to get angry, feel sad or think you're different every now and then. But then you need to channel your anger into positive action and do something to feel better.

Everyone feels down sometimes. Reach out to others. Talk to someone in your family, a friend, a school counselor, a teacher or your doctor or diabetes educator. It might help to write down your feelings in a journal. If you still feel down or sad, ask your parents to help you find a counselor. It's OK to ask for help,

-Source: National diabetes Education Program

Good Neighbor Pharmacy, October 2012