
Health Awareness: Shipshape at the Shore



Whether you’re about to take a dip in a lake, pond or even the ocean, the biggest danger in open water swimming is the risk of drowning. Heed these tips to avoid trouble:


-Learn to swim. Teach children to swim at an early age.

-Choose a beach with lifeguard. The odds of drowning at a beach without lifeguards are almost five times higher.

-Always swim with a buddy, or have someone watch you from shore who can signal for help if needed.

-Don’t fight a riptide or offshore current by swimming straight to shore. Swim parallel to the beach until you’re out of the current, then swim to shore. If you can’t swim out of the current, float, wave an arm and yell for help.

-Always swim sober. Alcohol and drugs are major factors in drownings.

-Never dive headfirst. Serious injuries can occur when people strike the bottom with their heads. Check the water’s depth before diving.

-Learn about the water and shoreline. Ask about strong currents, hidden rocks and other obstructions.


Good Neighbor Pharmacy, July 2012