
Digestive Health


Digestive Health Fast Facts

--Probiotics, healthy bacteria found in yogurt and other cultured foods, aid digestion and help the body absorb nutrients.
--Be mindful of overeating. It can take as long as 20 minutes to feel full after beginning to eat.
--About 61 million Americans suffer from heartburn, a burning or painful feeling in the chest or throat.
--If you’re lactose intolerant, you can still get enough calcium. Look for foods like broccoli, salmon, and calcium-fortified breakfast cereals.
--Eat yogurt daily to benefit from probiotics. Seek out yogurt with “live and active cultures” listed on the label.
--Irritable bowel syndrome is at least twice as common in women as in men.

Did You Know?

To help calm common digestive problems, experts recommend eating smaller meals and being more aware of what you eat. Such awareness –called mindful eating—can also help reduce binge eating and promote weight loss.

Controlling Celiac Disease

If you have celiac disease, your body can’t properly digest foods that contain gluten. This decreases nutrient absorption into your bloodstream. It’s important to control celiac disease since it increase the risk of developing cancer of the intestine, osteoporosis and seizures. Gluten sensitivity can cause nutritional deficiencies, which may affect the brain and nervous system and lead to epilepsy. In some cases, seizures go away once the disease is treated. Although not curable, a gluten-free diet may help. This means avoiding most grain, pasta, cereal and many processed foods that contain wheat, rye and barley. You can still enjoy a well-balanced diet that includes plain meat, fish, rice, vegetables and fruit. Talk with your doctor about working with a registered dietitian to develop a gluten-free eating plan.