Corns - Causes

When you get corns/calluses, your skin thickens and hardens as a result of the repeated pressure or friction on that particular area of the skin. The reason why your skin gets thicker and harder is to protect itself from excessive pressure and friction. Corns and calluses can occur anywhere on the skin, particularly on the hands, feet, or any other area that can be easily rubbed against. For example, corns and calluses on the feet can be caused by:
- Tight fitting shoes, narrow toed shoes or high heels that can rub against the feet
- Loose fitting shoe that allows your foot to slide and rub against the shoe
- Walking barefoot or wearing shoes with a thin sole that may lead to greater pressure on the ball of the foot
- Wearing shoes without socks that may lead to greater friction on your feet

Similarly, corns and calluses on the hand can be caused by:
- Gripping onto tools (like a hammer) or playing musical instruments (like a violin) that puts pressure on the hand

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