Hemorrhoids - Treatment

For most mild cases of internal and external hemorrhoids, you may try over-the-counter products and self-care measures as possible forms of treatment.

- If you have external hermorrhoids, corticosteroids can provide relief from itching and pain. It usually takes around 12 hours for you start feeling the effects.
- Examples of Corticosteroid products include: Hydrocortisone 0.5%, 1% Cream/Ointment/Gel

Local Anesthetics
- Local anesthetics can provide a numbing effect to reduce pain, itching, irritation, and burning. 
- Examples of local anesthetics include: Benzocaine, Dibucaine, Lidocaine, Pramoxine

- Vasoconstrictors constrict your blood vessels to reduce swelling and provide relief from itching, irritation, and discomfort.
- Examples of vasoconstrictors include: Phenylephrine (Preparation H)
- Protectants are used to provide a protective barrier over the anal area, preventing further inflammation/irritation and water loss.
- Examples of ingredients found in Protectants include: Cocoa butter,Glycerin, Hard Fat, Kaolin, Lanolin, Mineral oil, White petrolatum, Shark Liver Oil, Zinc Oxide, Topical Starch, Calamine, Cod liver oil

- Astringents can be used to shrink hemorrhoids.
- Examples of astringents include: Witch Hazel (Tucks Pads).
Menthol, Juniper Tar, Camphor
- If you have external hemorrhoids, you can use products that have menthol, juniper tar, and camphor. These can help relieve pain, itching, burning or discomfort in the anal area. When applied, you may feel a cool, warm, or tingling feeling.


Add fiber to your diet
- Fiber can help prevent constipation. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are high in fiber.

Drink plenty of water.
- Water intake can help prevent constipation.

Be physically active.
-Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week.

Practice proper bowel habits.
- Limit each toilet sitting to 5 minutes or less to avoid straining. After each bowel movement, you should use a lubricated pad or baby wipe to clean the anal area. When showering, use a mild soap to wash the anal area so as not to causer further irritation.

Take a sitz bath.
- To take a sitz bath, you should fill your bathtub with enough warm water to soak your buttocks. Sit for around 10 minutes. This helps soothe the anal area, providing relief from pain or irritation.

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